The main objective of the Conservation course is to provide the awareness of respectfully intervening on the historic built environment and to valorize its potential without wasting its peculiar authenticity.
The course explains the fundamental of conservation theories and history of objects and sites that have the recognizable value of a unique historical document , with respect to the material culture, a high expressive quality, both under protection and without legal boundary.
The further objectives of the class are to share methodologies and techniques for strengthening and protecting the historic buildings, show the whole process of conservation from the documentation, assessment, surface mappings and further steps towards the implementation of the building performances. The interlocked aims of the class are the transmission of the body of knowledge of preservation technologies and the perspective of conservation as a continuous process of knowledge and care of the historic built environment.
The main objective of the Conservation Studio is to increase the understanding of the intervention of conservation of built environment and its valorization. The studio focuses on some study cases with the aim to support and develop the learning skills as well as the technical, scientific knowledge. In fact the studio improves the analyis skills based on the historic documentation, the survey of the geometry and structures, the material and damage assessment by means of direct visual analysis and diagnostics technologies.